
David Yang, like sports, nature, reading, music and…travel.

I am not good at sports, but like watching basketball, baseball and tennis games. I am not very strong, but like hiking, bushwalking and riding bicycle into the nature…although I am a software engineer. Not only continue to read and gain knowledge, I also want to walk around every corner of the world.

I come from Taiwan…no matter where you meet me, either I am traveling, or just preparing for next trip 🙂

這裡沒有譁眾取寵的誇誇其談,也不是個望重士林、動見觀瞻的粉絲重地,有的只是成不了詩的照片,與看得到影像的旅行心情…我只是個小小的軟體工程師,但在繁重的工作之餘,想寫下我在旅行、生活乃至於人生的點點滴滴,就算沒有實質的幫助,或許,也能成為您心靈的撫慰 🙂


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